YUNG Yee Yee


The Everyday Life



The Everyday Life

Mixed medium (oil, canvas, crochet yarn)
混合媒介 (油彩,畫布,鉤針編織)

Size variable

From the discovery of the fungi form, the exploration has been expanded to the traditional canvas in unconventional ways. DD's point of view and in her endeavors, life is all about movement and time. In this life, there is a surprise in the repetitive loop that brings pure joy and happiness. The reiteration of the same movement provides an anchor and constant to the work. The everyday landscape represents life, and with each crochet knot and every color choice, a combination of time and life is portrayed. The mark-making and creative process turn into an imaginary landscape view unique to DD' s perspective.


DD is the cat lady and just like her feline friends, she loves to create art using a playful technique. Art and painting are woven deeply into her life, in the same way as the yarn she uses in her crochet work. DD says “You can't be a boring artist, you need to be an interesting person with an optimistic attitude to be able to be creative. By using lines to connect various shapes my work explores the inter-relationships between people and this relationship with nature. Nature is the most basic of all art forms''. Through-out DD’s work she tantalizes the audience with a world of exotic flowers and plants expressed via different materials, some of which are recycled, to reconstruct a new life. “Beautiful things are not necessarily perfect, but can be unique, just like the process of creation is more important than the result”.

DD是一位貓小姐,就像她的貓朋友一樣,她喜歡使用有趣的技巧來創作藝術作品。藝術和繪畫深深地融入了她的生活中,以毛線融入鉤針創作。DD說:「你不能成為一個無趣的藝術家,你需要成為一個有趣的人,擁有樂觀的態度才能創造出有創意的作品。通過使用線條連接各種形狀,我的作品探索了人與自然之間的相互關係。自然是所有藝術形式中最基本的形式。」 在DD的作品中,她通過一些回收利用的材料,重構一個充滿異國情調的花卉和植物世界。 「美麗的事物不一定是完美的,但可以是獨特的,就像創作過程比結果更重要一樣。」