
For Still Remain Pieces  



For Still Remain Pieces        

Participatory art workshop, interactive installation        

Size variable

A space that preserves the little and sincere memories, waiting for the audience to leave their unique imagination, associated with each other, in the interplay of light and shadow and the fluttering of balloons.

This piece of work explores the relationship between painting and memory. Balloons are used as a symbol of remembrance, connecting to create a cohesive piece that depicts a collective experience. Through such familiar painting movements, they intertwine in time and space, building and gazing at the same distant universe side by side.



Manny Yip (b.1994, Hong Kong ) grew up in a village where she developed her interest in collecting antiques and studying ethnology since her childhood. Her works capture past experiences and reflect her thoughts on identity and her longing for ideals. She brings the forgotten, the trivial, and the overlooked to life through her paintings and installations, creating a narrative representation of the reunion scene. Manny has held solo exhibitions at ACO Art Space and am space, collaborated with various art and cultural organizations, and commercial parties, and participated in numerous group exhibitions at Pao Gallery, Fringe Club, Gallery By The Harbour, etc.

葉雯(1994年出生於香港)在一個小村莊長大,她自幼對舊物收集和民族學有濃厚興趣。她的作品捕捉童年和過往的經驗,反映她對身分認同及對理想的思索。她希望重現那些被遺忘、細微的和被忽視的事物,並透過繪畫和裝置以敘事的形式呈現重逢的場景。她曾於藝鵠藝術空間及am space舉辦個展,並先後與多個藝文機構及商業單位合作,還多次參加群展,包括包氏畫廊、藝穗會、海港城·美術館等。