OR Ray Lon


Disassemble | Reassemble


OR Ray Lon

Disassemble | Reassemble        

Cement and acrylic on canvas, video        

Size variable

This project is a response to the overwhelming sense of stress and fast-paced lifestyle that characterizes Hong Kong, where development often overlooks conservation.

Through miniature painting, this project offers a way to slow down and explore the beauty in the world. On-location paintings of 4 demolished sites + HKBU AVA Kai Tak Campus, the exhibiting location are created using materials found on-site as the canvas. These paintings are left in their original locations, giving them a second life, and seeking to recreate them in the smallest possible way on this land.

By encouraging people to slow down and appreciate the little things in life, this project aims to raise awareness of these tiny changes and highlight the significance of preserving cultural heritage.


這次創作使用現場所收集的物料作為畫布,在4個被拆卸的地方 +觀者身在現存的AVA重新畫出他們舊有的色彩。這些畫作被留在原來的地點,讓它們有第二次生命,看能否以最微小的方式重新生存在這片土地。這個創作希望能捕捉那些短暫的片刻,並啟發人們欣賞生活中那些常常被忽視的細節和逝去的片段。

Living in Hong Kong, Or Ray Lon has experienced the overwhelming sense of stress and fast-paced lifestyle of this city. She has witnessed the rapid changes that are taking place, as old buildings are demolished to make way for new ones. She always feels the need to escape this rapid change and find a way to slow down and appreciate the little details in life. Through her art, she has found a way to pause time and explore the beauty in the world, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Through her studio project, Or Ray Lon explores the imbalances between conservation and development in Hong Kong and the need to find a balance between preserving our heritage and ensuring sustainable urban development. She aims to inspire others to slow down and take a closer look at the world around them, appreciate the beauty in detail, and work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

身為一個香港人,柯蔚倫體會到這座城市快速的發展和急促的生活節奏所帶來的壓力,使我們忽略生活中那些細小而美麗的片段。她一直感到她需要逃離這座在快速變化的城市,找回節奏放慢、 能欣賞生活中的細節的方式。通過她的藝術,她能找到了暫停時間、探索細節、捕捉被忽略的瞬間的方法。 她希望能捕捉那些短暫的片刻,並將社會中的發展和保育之間的不平衡展現出來,並透過她的微型繪畫啟發人們欣賞生活中那些常常被忽視的細節和逝去的片段。通過她的作品,她旨在激勵他人放慢腳步,仔細觀察周圍世界中美好之處。