HO Pui Lam


Live Specimen, 2023


HO Pui Lam

Live Specimen, 2023        

Mixed media        

Size variable

Old trees may die, while people may take pieces of them. These fragments do not contain their previous souls and vitality. By digitizing live trees and their signs of life, I can let them live in the virtual world and grow forever.


Alice Ho is a Hong Kong-based visual artist who sees art as a path to spiritual enlightenment and self-understanding. Her artistic journey has taken her from computer graphics to lighting design and now to bio art, enabling her to explore diverse perspectives and create more impactful works. Alice's interests lie in the philosophy of life and religion. and she is currently investigating life transformation between plants and microorganisms in her recent art project. According to Alice, the meaning of everything is subject to change based on time and place, but this does not mean that things are destroyed. Rather, they transform into new forms of existence. For her, life is eternal, and the beauty of life is in the transformation between the forms of existence.

何珮琳是一位香港藝術家,她認為藝術就如同一種實踐,蘊含著生命的啟示,好讓我們更好的認識自己和人性。 何珮琳的藝術之旅始於電腦動畫,到燈光設計至生物藝術。她多元化的藝術實踐能讓她從不同角度探索事物,讓她的作品更有影響力。對探討生命哲學和宗教相關的主題極感興趣。近期的創作項目是關於植物與微生物之間的生命轉化。對她而言, 一切事物的意義都會隨時間和空間而有所轉變,但並不意味事物會被摧毀。相反,它們則會轉化為新的存在形式。她認為生命是永恆的,生命之美在於存在形式間的轉化。