AU Shek Yan


Keep in Touch


AU Shek Yan        

Keep in Touch

Interactive installation        

Size variable

Write letters to strangers who are trapped in a specific place. While we may not be able to change the circumstances of those we write to, we can at least offer a sense of connection. Let's "keep In Touch."


Yan Au graduated from the School of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University. She was awarded the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Award in 2012 for her community-based research and different approaches to identifying social issues. Her works always reveal the hidden problems in our daily lives. The artist currently resides in Hong Kong and has participated in exhibitions such as "Hong Kong Contemporary Art Exhibition" (Hong Kong Museum of Art 2014), "Neptune Terrace" (Neptune Gallery with the support of HKADC and Romanian Cultural Institute 2016), "2015 New Art Wave International Artist Award" (New Art Wave Expo 2015), "Paradoxes Episode I – the Being" (Gallery Psypedia Limited 2015), "Ten Million Rooms of Yearning" (Para Site 2016), among others.

區碩茵畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院。 她榮獲2012年香港藝術雙年展。通過以社區為基礎的研究和不同的方法找出社會問題。 她的作品總能揭示我們日常生活中隱藏的問題。藝術家現居於香港。 參加展覽「香港當代藝術展」(香港藝術館 2014),「關聯未來」 (武漢K11藝術村)等。